Cotton Digital Marketing

Let’s Get Started

With Cotton & Company’s exclusive focus on real estate marketing, we deliver an unprecedented level of industry expertise to your digital marketing program. We combine innovative digital channels with proven real estate sales strategies – maximizing your budget and driving sales success.


As the core of any successful online program, your website must be developed to satisfy both the consumer and search engine algorithms. Here, the principles of real estate sales are applied throughout a complex honeycomb structure, yet at the same time creating an interactive and engaging experience for the consumer. Developing a well-planned and relevant website not only benefits organic SEO, but also results in greater cost efficiencies for PPC campaigns and a more compelling presentation of your community.


Organic traffic tends to be the most qualified source of traffic for our real estate clients. We want your communities to be found when prospects begin their buying process, therefore properly setting up this foundation creates a basis for the entire site. The structure of your site must include an integrated strategy designed to work in concert with both your online and offline lead generation programs. Hand-picked keywords and phrases are integrated throughout the program, giving your website the highest opportunity for relevant visibility.

For the hive to operate efficiently honey bees have developed a complex form of communication.

Audience CaptureIdentity Matching

Audience Capture Identity Matching As Smart Phone technology evolves, new Ad Tech companies have been created to constantly acquire valuable market data. Cell phone device IDs are being tracked 24/7, allowing the capture of location based audiences. This data is identity matched with other records to tell marketers consumer demographics, geographic profiles and psychographic buying habits. Targeting audiences that are directly aligned with our buyer profiles have never been more accessible or accurate.

Programmatic Digital Marketing

Programmatic Digital Marketing

With the introduction of Artificial Intelligence into the digital marketing platforms, virtually all aspects of SEM placement have become programmatic in nature. Programmatic campaigns allow for multiple ads to be fed to multiple audiences, constantly learning which ads are more successful. Digital television, Social Media and Google SEM Marketing are now about knowing your customer intimately, and targeting closely matched databases.

Streaming Television and Media

Today, more than 50% of the television audience is watching programming on their own time schedule. That means streaming content to their television, mobile phone, iPads and computers. While this results in a smaller broadcast audience, it creates an opportunity for us to target specific television audiences based on the individual consumer profiles. No wasted overflow on unqualified demographics, and a 100% guarantee on full viewership of our ad placement.


Cotton & Company uses a variety of top industry resources and proprietary tools to identify keywords that will be most effective for your specific project. We evaluate the competitive landscape and consumer search patterns as well as assess the cost/benefit of each phrase as it relates to your market. Every property requires a unique approach and an in-depth review to determine the best possible channel to build a solid Internet foundation. Consistent and relevant keywords are the building blocks of success in a digital marketing program, creating visibility and driving targeted traffic to your website.

One bee hive consists of a single queen and hundreds of male drones and thousands of female worker bees.  Together they can produce more than 60 lbs of honey or more in a good season.


Data capture is a key objective in all of Cotton & Company’s digital initiatives. Developing landing pages structured to support specific campaigns can be the most effective tool for lead generation and capturing prospective buyers’ contact information. Creating fulfillment tools that inspire the prospective homebuyer to share their contact information is a critical component of the program’s success. By utilizing the landing page to showcase and offer your fulfillment piece to consumers, Cotton & Company successfully attracts more qualified new homebuyer leads.

A forging bee may visit more than two million flowers and travel up to 55,000 miles.

Digital Fulfillment


Digital fulfillment offers the ability to customize your sales presentation based on the individual homebuyers’ preferences. The quality of initial contact often determines whether an Internet lead converts to an on-site visit. Cotton & Company integrates video content, with buyer’s preferences and community details to create personalized digital sales tools. We eliminate printing and postage costs, providing more current information in a more creative and engaging manner.

Responsive Programming


In these digital days your customers are literally moving targets. Always on the go, they’re searching for real estate on their smart phones and tablets. Integrating responsive programming into every aspect of a website is an absolute must. This eliminates the need for separate versions of a website and the chance that outdated content was overlooked in the last update.

Link Building


Building strong inbound links from credible sources is important to powering a website. The more quality inbound links a website contains from credible sites, the higher value search engine algorithms place on them. Cotton & Company’s innovative content marketing strategy generates consistent backlinking to support our search engine optimization efforts. By keeping the information relevant and correlated, we are able to further enhance the website, strengthening it for both consumer use and search engine optimization.

Bees fly about 55,000 miles to make just one pound of honey, that’s 2.2 times around the world.


Buying a home is a big decision, and today’s discretionary homebuyers have many options to consider. Cotton & Company focuses on the consumer’s thought process, and the location story is often the most overlooked feature and typically the most important. In a competitive market environment, it’s also imperative to showcase every aspect of the amenities, membership program, new home designs and cost of ownership in a manner that educates the homebuyer without overselling. Our custom-published magazines deliver a cost-efficient marketing tool to engage the consumer and real estate broker community, without the limitations of a standard lifestyle brochure. The stories generated for these publications also provide persuasive content for our social marketing, referral programs and public relations initiatives.

Content Marketing

Content marketing connects your community to consumers in their day-to-day online activities. The art of storytelling is combined with the science of technology to serve engaging marketing content to potential homebuyers.  It’s a delicate balance that utilizes pull-marketing techniques to reach demographically targeted consumers, with added filters for personal preferences and interests. Search engines are also seeking current and relevant information on your website, creating a win-win for the developer. By integrating storytelling into your newsfeeds, social posts and blogs, we not only provide information that influences the homebuyer’s decision, we greatly enhance your organic search engine position.


Social Targeting

Social Targeting

Never in the history of real estate has there been a more powerful mechanism for targeting your buyer.  Today’s social networks have partnered with Experian, the US Census and other data-mining companies to create in-depth personal profiles for online consumers. Using our real estate expertise, we utilize unprecedented targeting tools.  The program moves well beyond geographic and demographic targeting to include education, spending habits, recreational and cultural interests, household composition, financial status and other personal preferences.  These targeted campaigns are unique to your project, driving relevant consumer traffic to your website reinforcing a multi-faceted marketing campaign.

Social Interaction

social interaction

Whether on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest or any of the other social channel, Cotton & Company recognizes the importance of engaging potential homebuyers in conversation. We are never overly salesy, but we’re always educating and intriguing our audience to invite interest in our residential offering. Presenting the information in a thought-provoking way invites conversation, which is driven to deliver action, promoting online consumers to visit your sales office and tour your model residences. Open House this weekend? We’ll get the word out to your prospects… and their friends.

Online Video Content

Online Video Content

We live in an age of visual stimulation and delivering thought-provoking video presentations is more important than ever. Cotton & Company understands that buying a home is an emotional decision, and we know how to appeal to both the homebuyer’s heart and head. Through thoughtful messaging, engaging music, insightful art direction and creative visual editing, our real estate expertise brings it all together. Most importantly, search engines and social networks are driving the visual media trend by prioritizing video content in their search results. Lights, camera, action — Cotton & Company’s in-house team is ready to bring your project to life.

Pay Per Click


Paid search advertising is a competitive environment for keyword and phrase bidding that is used to direct pertinent traffic to your website. The price you pay for this engagement is directly related to the relevance of the content you’re delivering to the consumer. Cotton & Company’s experts are able to optimize your website and marketing campaigns to work in tandem, thereby lowering costs and raising the performance and effectiveness. Cotton & Company and its in-house digital experts are able to offer a complete understanding of these terms and tools to garner cost-effective paid placements, therefore generating relevant traffic and conversions.

Database Management


Your prospect database is the lifeblood of your sales program, and its importance cannot be overstated. Cotton & Company’s vast experience with discretionary real estate gives us a deep appreciation for the buyer’s timeline for purchase. With baby boomer retirees planning well in advance of their buying decision, their timeline for purchase can range from several days to several years.  Proactively managing your lead database will ensure every dollar your invest in your marketing will create maximum sales results, providing continuity through staff changes and shifting market dynamics. Cotton & Company will assist in setting up your software foundation, train your staff, establish inventory and reporting controls and execute a day-to-day operational plan to effectively manage your real estate leads.


While Cotton & Company utilizes the latest industry tools to initially drive qualified traffic to your site, not everyone always registers. Retargeting is the ability to specifically target ads and campaigns towards consumers that have previously visited your website. When these prospects continue to browse the web it’s like they’re dropping breadcrumbs and we can follow that trail, tapping into their viewing patterns to reach back out, directing these consumers to return to your website for another chance at conversion. By keeping your project in the forefront, we are able to capture the attention and information of prospective buyers.

The honeybee waggle dance enables worker honeybees to inform her sister about great locations for food, water or a new home.



Turning an Internet lead into an on-site visit requires a comprehensive lead nurturing program. While your sales staff is focusing on the on-site visitors, team Cotton is focused on driving on-site traffic. Through our database e-communication programs, we deliver relevant messages that engage prospects in the buying process. We educate and excite homebuyers and real estate brokers via email, e-newsletters, mobile texting and LinkedIn. Creative digital fulfillment pieces are incorporated to accelerate click through rates, buyer engagement and sales appointments. Cotton & Company coordinates every aspect into a cohesive digital marketing campaign, driving sales absorption from the top down.

Digital Creative


Cotton & Company’s vast real estate experience coupled with our powerhouse creative team and in-house digital strategists delivers exceptional fulfillment that generates results. Our creative team delivers top-of-the-line designs unique to the real estate industry, which are then programmed and implemented into the overall marketing strategy. Data is continually collected and analyzed and changes can be made, if necessary, quickly and efficiently to get the best results for your project. Digital creative can be personalized and targeted, based on relevant demographics, interest and home type desired.


Cotton & Company constantly measures, evaluates and optimizes data using a variety of tools. We then determine next steps, identify new opportunities and set goals for future campaigns. These strategic evaluations help bring prospective buyers through the sales funnel while analyzing each step in the process to fine tune the program. Cotton & Company is involved from initial inquiry through closing, helping you attract qualified prospects and convert them into buyers. We do more than pull reports. We are here to translate the data and harness the information, turning it into tactical strategies and successful sales campaigns.

A typical beehive can make up to 400 pounds of honey per year.

Cotton & Company

Sweet Success

Over the past four decades, Cotton & Company has focused exclusively on the unique challenges of the real estate industry. No other company delivers a more focused perspective, a more insightful strategy, a more innovative methodology or a more integrated and efficient digital program all under one roof. Good news: you’ve found your digital marketing real estate strategists at Cotton & Company.


Sign up to receive our weekly Compendium newsletter, sharing news and updates for the real estate development industry.

Cotton Digital Marketing (Copy)


Cotton & Company’s digital services are focused on driving real estate sales through the successful development and implementation of a robust internet marketing strategy. Our hive of digital marketing specialists bring a critical real estate focus to the technologically driven structure and implementation of an online promotional campaign.


As the core of any successful online program, your website must be developed to satisfy both the consumer and search engine algorithm. Here, the principles of real estate sales are applied throughout a complex honeycomb structure, yet at the same time creating an interactive and personal experience for the consumer. Developing a well-planned and relevant website results in greater cost efficiency for PPC campaigns and a more compelling presentation of your community.


Organic search traffic is always the most qualified and we want your community’s to be found when consumers begin their buying process. The structure of your site must include an integrated strategy designed to work in concert with the digital lead generation programs. Hand-picked key words and phrases are integrated throughout the program, giving your website the highest opportunity for relevant visibility.

For the hive to operate efficiently honey bees have developed a complex form of communication.


Cotton & Company uses a variety of software resources, top industry tools and our proprietary process to identify key words that will be most effective for your specific project. We evaluate the competitive landscape and consumer search patterns as well as assess the cost/benefit of each phrase as it relates to your market. Every property requires a unique approach and an in-depth review to determine the best possible channel to build a solid internet foundation. Consistent and relevant keywords are the building blocks of success in a digital marketing program, creating visibility and driving targeted traffic to your website.

One bee hive consists of a single queen and hundreds of male drones and thousands of female worker bees.  Together they can produce more than 60 lbs of honey or more in a good season.


Data capture is a key objective of all of Cotton & Company’s online programs. Often times, developing a landing page structured to support a specific campaign phrasing or marketing strategy can be the most effective tool for lead generation and capturing prospective buyers. Creating fulfillment tools that inspire the prospective homebuyer to share their contact information is a critical component of the programs’ success. By utilizing the landing page to showcase and offer your fulfillment piece to consumers, Cotton & Company successfully attracts more qualified new home buyers’ leads.

A forging bee may visit more than two million flowers and travel up to 55,000 miles.

Digital Fulfillment


Digital fulfillment strategies are a cost effective way to involve video, digital brochures, and emails for delivering requested information and promotional offers. Cotton & Company personalizes each piece based on your project and the qualified consumer attributes. In today’s ever-changing market, digital fulfillment pieces are convenient and efficient. As these tools do not require printing, Cotton & Company is able to utilize them to serve current information to prospects in a creative and engaging manner. These pieces work seamlessly with mobile devices with fully responsiveness design.

Responsive Programming


In these digital days your customers are literally moving targets. Always on the go, they’re searching for real estate on their smart phones and tablets. Integrating responsive programming into every aspect of a website is an absolute must. This eliminates the need for separate versions of the website and you eliminate the chance that outdated content was over looked in the last update.   

Link Building


Building strong inbound links from credible sources is important to powering a website. The more quality inbound links a website contains, the higher value search engine algorithms place on them. Cotton & Company’s innovative content-marketing strategy maximizes social targeting to reach qualified homebuyers, while generating a consistent back link network to support our search engine optimization efforts. By keeping the information relevant and correlated, we are able to further enhance the website, strengthening it for both consumer use and search engine optimization.

Bees fly about 55,000 miles to make just one pound of honey, that’s 2.2 times around the world.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is story telling at its best. We understand the emotions that drive a homebuyer to make decision, and no two buyers are the same. Our strategic approach focuses on creating engaging sales content and distributing this information through targeted social channels based on the individual’s demographics and interests. Search engines are seeking current and relevant information, and they value updated content on your website. By integrating newsfeeds and blogs, we not only to provide potential homebuyers with information that influences their decision, we also deliver positive results positively with search engines.

The bee’s brain is only about the size of a sesame seed, yet it has remarkable capacity to learn and remember.

Social Targeting

Social Targeting

With today’s social networks partnering with Experian, US Census, and other data companies, we are able to access an unprecedented targeting tools for real estate digital marketing. The program moves well beyond geographic and demographic targeting to include education, spending habits, recreational and cultural interests, education, home composition, financial status and nearly anything else you can imagine. These targeting campaigns are uniquely created with your project in mind, driving relevant consumer traffic to your website while reinforcing your overall campaign.

Social Interaction

social interaction

Whether on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest or any of the other social channels, Cotton & Company recognizes the importance of engaging potential homebuyers in conversation. We never sell, but we’re always educating and intriguing our audience to invite interest in our residential offering. Presenting the information in a thought-provoking way invites conversation, which is driven to deliver action, promoting online consumers to visit your sales office and tour your model residences. Open House this weekend? We’ll get the word out to your friends… and their friends.

Pay Per Click

Pay Per Click

Pay Per Click digital advertising is a competitive environment for keywords and phrases that is used to direct pertinent traffic to your website. The price you pay for this engagement is directly related to the relevance of the content you’re delivering to the consumer. Cotton & Company’s experts are able to optimize your website and marketing campaigns to work in concert, thereby lowering costs and raising the performance and effectiveness. Cotton & Company and its in-house digital experts are able to offer a complete understanding of these terms and tools to garner cost-effective paid placements, therefore generating relevant traffic as well as organic searches.


Cotton & Company utilizes the latest industry tools to first drive qualified traffic to your site. Retargeting is the ability to specifically target ads and campaigns towards consumers that have previously visited your website. When these prospects click elsewhere, we are able to tap into their viewing patterns to reach back out, for constant visibility and contact, directing these consumers back to your website. By keeping your project in the forefront, we are able to capture the attention and information of prospective buyers.

The honeybee waggle dance enables worker honeybees to inform her sister about great locations for food, water or a new home.

Database E-Communications

Database E-Communications

Cotton & Company delivers comprehensive follow-up programs. Database e-communication include relevant messages that engage, in the buying process through email, e-newsletters, mobile texting and LinkedIn. Specifically targeted and relevant, these e-communication tools are used to compel prospective buyers to visit your website or call your sales office. Corresponding digital fulfillment pieces can also be incorporated to promote click throughs and engagement. Cotton & Company coordinates every aspect into one, cohesive digital marketing campaign, further promoting your project and engaging community lifestyle.

Digital Creative


Cotton & Company’s powerhouse creative team combines with our expert digital strategists and vast real estate experience deliver results.  Our creative team delivers top-of-the-line designs unique to the real estate industry, which are then programmed and implemented into the overall marketing strategy. Data is continually collected and analyzed and changes can be made, if necessary, quickly and efficiently to get the best results for your project. Digital creative can be personalized and targeted, based on relevant demographics, interest and home type desired.


Cotton & Company constantly measures, manages and evaluates data using a variety of tools. We then determine next steps, identify new opportunities and set goals for future campaigns. These strategic evaluations help bring prospective buyers through the sales funnel while analyzing each step in the process to fine tune the program. Cotton & Company is involved from initial inquiry through closing, helping you attract consumers and convert into buyers. We do more than pull reports. We are here to translate the data and harness the information, turning it into tactical strategies and successful sales campaigns.

A typical beehive can make up to 400 pounds of honey per year.

Cotton & Company

Sweet Success

Over the past four decades, Cotton & Company has focused exclusively on the unique challenges of the real estate industry. No other company delivers a more focused perspective, a more insightful strategy, a more innovative methodology, or a more integrated and efficient digital program all under one roof. Good news: you’ve found your digital marketing real estate specialist at Cotton & Company.

Sign up to receive our weekly Compendium newsletter, sharing news and updates for the Real Estate development industry.


2017-Cotton Digital Marketing v1

Let’s Get Started

With Cotton & Company’s exclusive focus on real estate marketing, we deliver an unprecedented level of industry expertise to your digital marketing program. We combine innovative digital channels with proven real estate sales strategies – maximizing your budget and driving sales success.


As the core of any successful online program, your website must be developed to satisfy both the consumer and search engine algorithms. Here, the principles of real estate sales are applied throughout a complex honeycomb structure, yet at the same time creating an interactive and engaging experience for the consumer. Developing a well-planned and relevant website not only benefits organic SEO, but also results in greater cost efficiencies for PPC campaigns and a more compelling presentation of your community.


Organic traffic tends to be the most qualified source of traffic for our real estate clients. We want your communities to be found when prospects begin their buying process, therefore properly setting up this foundation creates a basis for the entire site. The structure of your site must include an integrated strategy designed to work in concert with both your online and offline lead generation programs. Hand-picked keywords and phrases are integrated throughout the program, giving your website the highest opportunity for relevant visibility.

For the hive to operate efficiently honey bees have developed a complex form of communication.


Cotton & Company uses a variety of top industry resources and proprietary tools to identify keywords that will be most effective for your specific project. We evaluate the competitive landscape and consumer search patterns as well as assess the cost/benefit of each phrase as it relates to your market. Every property requires a unique approach and an in-depth review to determine the best possible channel to build a solid Internet foundation. Consistent and relevant keywords are the building blocks of success in a digital marketing program, creating visibility and driving targeted traffic to your website.

One bee hive consists of a single queen and hundreds of male drones and thousands of female worker bees.  Together they can produce more than 60 lbs of honey or more in a good season.


Data capture is a key objective in all of Cotton & Company’s digital initiatives. Developing landing pages structured to support specific campaigns can be the most effective tool for lead generation and capturing prospective buyers’ contact information. Creating fulfillment tools that inspire the prospective homebuyer to share their contact information is a critical component of the program’s success. By utilizing the landing page to showcase and offer your fulfillment piece to consumers, Cotton & Company successfully attracts more qualified new homebuyer leads.

A forging bee may visit more than two million flowers and travel up to 55,000 miles.

Digital Fulfillment


Digital fulfillment offers the ability to customize your sales presentation based on the individual homebuyer’s preferences. The quality of initial contact often determines whether an internet lead converts to an on-site visit. Cotton & Company integrates video content, with buyer’s preferences and community details to create personalized digital sales tools. We eliminate printing and postage costs, providing more current information in a more creative and engaging manner.

Responsive Programming


In these digital days your customers are literally moving targets. Always on the go, they’re searching for real estate on their smart phones and tablets. Integrating responsive programming into every aspect of a website is an absolute must. This eliminates the need for separate versions of a website and the chance that outdated content was overlooked in the last update.

Link Building


Building strong inbound links from credible sources is important to powering a website. The more quality inbound links a website contains from credible sites, the higher value search engine algorithms place on them. Cotton & Company’s innovative content marketing strategy generates consistent backlinking to support our search engine optimization efforts. By keeping the information relevant and correlated, we are able to further enhance the website, strengthening it for both consumer use and search engine optimization.

Bees fly about 55,000 miles to make just one pound of honey, that’s 2.2 times around the world.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is storytelling at its best. We understand the emotions that drive a homebuyer to make a decision and no two buyers are the same. Our strategic approach focuses on creating engaging sales content and distributing this information through targeted social channels based on the individuals’ demographics and interests. Search engines are seeking current and relevant information and they value updated content on your website. By integrating newsfeeds and blogs, we not only provide potential homebuyers with information that influences their decision, we also deliver positive results for search engine indexing.


Social Targeting

Social Targeting

Never in the history of real estate has there been a more powerful mechanism for targeting your buyer.  Today’s social networks have partnered with Experian, the US Census and other data-mining companies to create in-depth personal profiles for on-line consumers. Using our real estate expertise, we utilize unprecedented targeting tools.  The program moves well beyond geographic and demographic targeting to include education, spending habits, recreational and cultural interests, household composition, financial status and other personal preferences.  These targeted campaigns are unique to your project, driving relevant consumer traffic to your website reinforcing a multi-faceted marketing campaign.

Social Interaction

social interaction

Whether on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest or any of the other social channel, Cotton & Company recognizes the importance of engaging potential homebuyers in conversation. We are never overly salesy, but we’re always educating and intriguing our audience to invite interest in our residential offering. Presenting the information in a thought-provoking way invites conversation, which is driven to deliver action, promoting online consumers to visit your sales office and tour your model residences. Open House this weekend? We’ll get the word out to your prospects… and their friends.

Pay Per Click


Paid search advertising is a competitive environment for keyword and phrase bidding that is used to direct pertinent traffic to your website. The price you pay for this engagement is directly related to the relevance of the content you’re delivering to the consumer. Cotton & Company’s experts are able to optimize your website and marketing campaigns to work in tandem, thereby lowering costs and raising the performance and effectiveness. Cotton & Company and its in-house digital experts are able to offer a complete understanding of these terms and tools to garner cost-effective paid placements, therefore generating relevant traffic and conversions.


While Cotton & Company utilizes the latest industry tools to initially drive qualified traffic to your site, not everyone always registers. Retargeting is the ability to specifically target ads and campaigns towards consumers that have previously visited your website. When these prospects continue to browse the web it’s like they’re dropping breadcrumbs and we can follow that trail, tapping into their viewing patterns to reach back out, directing these consumers to return to your website for another chance at conversion. By keeping your project in the forefront, we are able to capture the attention and information of prospective buyers.

The honeybee waggle dance enables worker honeybees to inform her sister about great locations for food, water or a new home.



Turning an internet lead into an on-site visit requires a comprehensive lead nurturing program. While your sales staff is focusing on the on-site visitors, team Cotton is focused on driving on-site traffic. Through our database e-communication programs, we deliver relevant messages that engage prospects in the buying process. We educate and excite homebuyers and real estate brokers via email, e-newsletters, mobile texting and LinkedIn. Creative digital fulfillment pieces are incorporated to accelerate click through rates, buyer engagement and sales appointments. Cotton & Company coordinates every aspect into a cohesive digital marketing campaign, driving sales absorption from the top down.

Digital Creative


Cotton & Company’s vast real estate experience coupled with our powerhouse creative team and in-house digital strategists delivers exceptional fulfillment that generates results. Our creative team delivers top-of-the-line designs unique to the real estate industry, which are then programmed and implemented into the overall marketing strategy. Data is continually collected and analyzed and changes can be made, if necessary, quickly and efficiently to get the best results for your project. Digital creative can be personalized and targeted, based on relevant demographics, interest and home type desired.


Cotton & Company constantly measures, evaluates and optimizes data using a variety of tools. We then determine next steps, identify new opportunities and set goals for future campaigns. These strategic evaluations help bring prospective buyers through the sales funnel while analyzing each step in the process to fine tune the program. Cotton & Company is involved from initial inquiry through closing, helping you attract qualified prospects and convert them into buyers. We do more than pull reports. We are here to translate the data and harness the information, turning it into tactical strategies and successful sales campaigns.

A typical beehive can make up to 400 pounds of honey per year.

Cotton & Company

Sweet Success

Over the past four decades, Cotton & Company has focused exclusively on the unique challenges of the real estate industry. No other company delivers a more focused perspective, a more insightful strategy, a more innovative methodology or a more integrated and efficient digital program all under one roof. Good news: you’ve found your digital marketing real estate strategists at Cotton & Company.


Sign up to receive our weekly Compendium newsletter, sharing news and updates for the real estate development industry.


Hotel Capital Project Administration Firm

Hotel Capital Projects require leadership and coordination. Each member of the team must work together to be able to achieve the projects financial and aesthetic goals. Most hotel owners do not have the time, and many do not have the skills, to lead and manage such projects. The Litt Group brings that experience and knowledge needed to provide the oversight required to keep projects focused and meet necessary deadlines.

As a boutique hotel capital project administration firm, we can guarantee that your hotel will be preserved and enhanced through your property improvements.

“The working relationship between an owner and a brand is critical to the success of a project,” said Litt, principal. “I’ve been fortunate in my 45-year hospitality career to work on both sides of the table and can identify those items that may not be needed and those that can add value to the asset and help increase the owner’s return on investment.”

The Litt Group oversees all aspects of Capital Project Administration, coordinating the following elements of running a successful hospitality business model:

  • Design
  • Purchasing
  • Architecture
  • 3rd Party Reporting
  • Construction Logistics
  • Budgets
  • Project Management

Jay Litt, Founder

The Litt Group was formed by Jay Litt, a 45-year hotel industry veteran. During his career, he has served as a corporate officer, overseeing operations for Interstate Hotels & Resorts and Wyndham International. While at Wyndham, he reorganized and managed the office of procurement and oversaw a yearly spend of $500 million. Mr. Litt has led renovation projects totaling over $125 million. These projects include the Sheraton San Juan, St. Regis, Sheraton Brickell, and the recent renovation of ten full service properties and over 25 limited service hotels.

In many cases, this coordination has been left to ownership. Frequently, they lack the skill and time. Coordination is crucial to a project’s success. Over his many years of experience, this has become the critical element Mr. Litt brings to every project. His knowledge and experience with each of these areas provides ownership with a path that will shape a project and a team that gets the job done.

Project Portfolio

Jay Litt has completed over 125 million in capital projects during his career. He has the experience to coordinate the key players in capital projects Most importantly, he provides the expertise needed to organize and manage all members of the project team. Recent projects include a six-hotel Fairfield Inn portfolio in the Northwest, a full service Marriott in Chicago, and a 10-hotel Springhill Suite/Towneplace Suite portfolio in the Midwest.

Sheraton- Orlando, FL


The Sheraton Orlando North needed a new look and feel. 390 guest rooms and bathrooms were upgraded along with corridors. The lobby and restaurant were redesigned to include a new buffet area and a comfortable and open seating space. The An Tobar, an authentic Irish Bar, was refurbished with high end finishes and re-opened after having been closed for five years. This outlet allowed the hotel to expand the space options to sell for their group business, which has seen dramatic growth since the renovation

Hilton- Phoenix, AZ


This busy airport property was in need of a complete renovation of their 265 rooms and bathrooms along with their corridors. The exterior of the building was enhanced with beautifully designed and eco-friendly desertscape, and repainted to blend with the surroundings. The lobby was given a fresh look with new seating, flooring and upgraded check in areas. A gift shop was converted to a Starbucks “Grab and Go”, not only giving guests a new outlet for quick coffee and food, but providing the hotel with a strong new source of revenue.

Fairfield Inn Marriott- Amesbury


Fairfield Amesbury is one of 6 properties comprising 617 rooms. These properties required a complete renovation including all rooms, bathrooms, corridors and exteriors. Porte Cocheres were installed in each hotel to enhance the exterior appearance and protect arriving guests. Fitness centers were added, allowing the properties to be more competitive in their market. Stylish design elements and architectural enhancements were added to the lobbies and breakfast areas to provide a welcoming sense of comfort.

Homewood Suites- Carmel, IN


This project involved the conversion of a Doubletree Suite Hotel to a Homewood Suite property. 137 new kitchens were installed, complete with a new electrical system, along with the installation of a buffet and great room area in the lobby. A new courtyard was designed to allow for an upgraded pool and the addition of a BBQ area. Each suite was enhanced with new furniture as were the corridors and lobby areas.

Contact Us

Capital Project Administration & Consulting2500 N. Military Trail Suite 275Boca Raton, Florida 33431


561.988.0451 ext. 110 |



BLVD Sarasota 2020


The 49 luxury residences at BLVD Sarasota have residents in awe on a daily basis. Sarasota downtown’s newest address is also its most fleeting. Limited opportunities remain to secure an extraordinary, move-in ready residence in the heart of one of the country’s most sought after destinations. BLVD residences feature expansive terraces and showcase spectacular sunset views over Sarasota Bay and the Gulf of Mexico, and eastern views of the vibrant city lights of downtown Sarasota. Residents also enjoy private elevator access opening directly into their residence and gated garage parking. Soon, at the ground level, BLVD Bistro, operated by world renowned restauranteur Sean Murphy, will be just an elevator ride away.Now is the time to make your move.


BLVD Sarasota is nearing sell-out with only a limited number of residences remaining. Our designer decorated model is open daily giving you an opportunity to experience the BLVD lifestyle in person. Each condominium residence has been thoughtfully designed for today’s modern contemporary lifestyle. The spacious floorplans feature large open-air terraces with tile flooring and glass railing, expansive great rooms open to gourmet kitchens with sizeable dining areas and large social islands, sprawling living areas with high ceilings, lavish owners’ Master Suites with dual walk-in closets and luxurious Master Baths and more.



When you combine Sarasota’s vibrant downtown atmosphere, world-renowned beaches, lively arts community and upscale shopping and dining venues, it’s easy to see why the city’s renaissance has been a spectacular success. The cosmopolitan feel and charming neighborhoods blend seamlessly to create a tropical paradise in the city center. With the famed St. Armand’s Circle, the numerous shopping and dining options at the University Town Center, and the future cultural park system of The Bay giving residents access to the best of waterfront recreation and entertainment. And you can’t forget the numerous white sand beaches nearby including Siesta, Lido and Longboat Key. BLVD puts its residents in the midst of Sarasota’s very best.   


BLVD is a one-of-a-kind place, and its unique amenities set it apart from every other luxury condominium on the Sun Coast. While only 49 fortunate families will ultimately enjoy this enviable lifestyle, others will marvel at the innovation and imagination shown in planning the amenities at BLVD. The zero-horizon rooftop pool is only the beginning. On the fifth floor, you’ll find an 11,250-square-foot indoor/outdoor social area that includes state-of-the-art wine cellar with wine vaults; an outdoor pet lawn and indoor dog grooming salon; a technology-enhanced indoor golf driving range; social areas with billiards, lounge, cocktail bar; and a full-service catering kitchen for entertaining.

Head to the rooftop deck, where you can relax beside the zero-horizon pool, which sets the dramatic backdrop for the resident sundeck and entertainment area. Add to that, a covered outdoor summer kitchen, a gas fire pit, lounge areas, and landscaping for outdoor yoga and fitness, all overlooking the beautiful Sarasota Bay, the turquoise Gulf of Mexico and vibrant downtown Sarasota! Pretty awe-inspiring!



3 BEDROOMS & 4 1/2 BATHROOMS LIVING AREA: 3,630 SF TERRACES:    1,700 SFTOTAL:        5,330 SF

All dimensions are approximate. This floorplan is subject to change without notice. There are various methods of calculating the total square footage of a residence, and depending on the method of calculation, the quoted square footage of a residence may vary. The total square footages as shown in this brochure are based on the “Architectural Method” of measurement, which includes portions of the exterior walls, interior columns and 50 percent of demising walls.


3 BEDROOMS and 3 1/2 BATHROOMS LIVING AREA: 3,900 SF TERRACES:      780 SFTOTAL:        4,680 SF

All dimensions are approximate. This floorplan is subject to change without notice. There are various methods of calculating the total square footage of a residence, and depending on the method of calculation, the quoted square footage of a residence may vary. The total square footages as shown in this brochure are based on the “Architectural Method” of measurement, which includes portions of the exterior walls, interior columns and 50 percent of demising walls.


3 BEDROOMS & 3 1/2 BATHROOMS LIVING AREA: 3,700 SF TERRACES:      810 SFTOTAL:        4,510 SF

All dimensions are approximate. This floorplan is subject to change without notice. There are various methods of calculating the total square footage of a residence, and depending on the method of calculation, the quoted square footage of a residence may vary. The total square footages as shown in this brochure are based on the “Architectural Method” of measurement, which includes portions of the exterior walls, interior columns and 50 percent of demising walls.


3 BEDROOMS & 4 1/2 BATHROOMS LIVING AREA: 3,550 SF TERRACES:    1,530 SFTOTAL:        5,080 SF

All dimensions are approximate. This floorplan is subject to change without notice. There are various methods of calculating the total square footage of a residence, and depending on the method of calculation, the quoted square footage of a residence may vary. The total square footages as shown in this brochure are based on the “Architectural Method” of measurement, which includes portions of the exterior walls, interior columns and 50 percent of demising walls.



  • Within Sarasota’s Downtown Bayfront District with panoramic views of Sarasota Bay and the Sarasota skyline
  • At the western entrance to the Rosemary District
  • Walkability score of 96 — within walking distance of the numerous dining, theatre, art, retail, cultural, recreational and entertainment areas of:
  • The Sarasota Downtown Core
  • The Sarasota Downtown Bayfront
  • The Sarasota Cultural District
  • The popular and energized Rosemary District
  • The future shops, dining and entertainment venues of the planned Sarasota Quay


  • The building’s architectural personality is expressed with vast glass walls, sumptuous interior appointments and advanced coastal construction and design
  • Only 49 expansive luxury units. Choose from seven unique floorplans, including:
  • 47 three-bedroom residences, ranging from 3,550 square feet to 3,900 square feet
  • Two spectacular two-story Penthouse units of 5,250 and 5,900 square feet with 2-story ceilings in the living room
  • Unprecedented resort-style amenities on the ground floor, 5th floor and rooftop


  • 18th Floor Rooftop Amenities: For full appreciation of the bay and city views, and incomparable gulf coast sunshine, the 9,000 square foot rooftop terrace provides a dramatic zero horizon pool surrounded by open-air conversation areas, shaded and un-shaded lounge seating, covered outdoor summer kitchen with a gas cooktop station and gas fire pit
  • 5th Floor Amenity Level: A surprisingly diverse selection of recreation awaits you on the 5th floor. Inside, a generous social room with a service bar for social opportunities, a fitness center, conference room, a circular wine cellar with private lockable wine vaults, and an indoor driving range. Outside is an expansive terrace with outdoor lounge seating and pet facilities
  • Parking Garage and Storage: Secure indoor parking with two dedicated spaces per residence, and humidity controlled private storage areas
  • Friendly: A pet-friendly community with a spacious 1,400 square foot outdoor pet lawn, pet washing and grooming stations on the 5th floor amenity level
  • Pet Friendly: A pet-friendly community with a spacious 1,400-square-foot pet lawn and pet washing and grooming station, on the 5th floor amenity level
  • Secure Living: Fully staffed reception lobby to welcome guests and provide service to residents and guests while controlling building access. Emergency generators support life safety systems during power outages


  • Flow-through floor plans showcasing breathtaking bayfront and city views with large open-air terraces with tile flooring and glass railings
  • Private access-controlled elevators open directly into private residences foyers
  • Large, open-concept living areas with high ceilings
  • Expansive Great Rooms open to gourmet kitchens with open dining areas and large social islands
  • Lavish owners’ Master Suites with dual walk-in closets and luxurious Master Baths
  • Array of elegant designer interior finish packages offered throughout
  • Choice of elegant designer interior finish packages offered in multiple styles
  • Designer flooring options that coordinate with each material palette
  • Technology-ready infrastructure with high speed connectivity enables customized home automation and modern conveniences
  • Separate laundry room with cabinetry, sink and high-capacity front load washer and dryer


Core Development was created in 1995 with the goal of developing landmark real estate project. Since that time, we have continued to fulfill this mission with projects such as the Ritz-Carlton, Sarasota, Florida and The Concession residences and Golf Club. No matter what project we are working on, we are dedicated to providing our client with uncompromising excellence, innovation and efficiency. Our diverse portfolio includes new construction, historic renovations and projects for the health care, hotel, single-family and luxury hotel home markets.


Interested parties are invited to contact the sales studio to schedule a tour of a designer-decorated model residence, the private residents-only amenities, and move-in ready residences. The limited remaining inventory ranges from 3,550 to 3,900+ square feet of living area and is priced from $2M.

BLVD Sarasota is located at 540 N Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34236

The sales center and model residence are open Monday to Saturday from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. and by appointment Sunday.

To schedule a tour, call 941.316.1499 or visit

BLVD Sarasota


Surrounded by wondrous works of timeless art, the 49 modern residences at BLVD Sarasota will have residents marveling on a daily basis. Ranging from 3,900 to over 5,400 square feet, these expansive floorplans have been meticulously designed for the modern homebuyer. BLVD residencies feature expansive terraces, ranging from 1,000 to nearly 5,000 square feet, which provide ideal east and west views of the Sarasota Bay and Gulf of Mexico. Residents will also enjoy private elevator access and gated garage parking to ensure privacy and security. Residents at BLVD are able to call their home their very own modern masterpiece.


When you combine Sarasota’s vibrant downtown atmosphere, lively arts community, and upscale shopping and dining venues, it’s easy to see why the city’s renaissance has been a spectacular success. The cosmopolitan feel and charming neighborhoods blend seamlessly to create a tropical paradise in the city center. With the famed St. Armand’s Circle, the new Mall at University Town Center, and the soon-to-be Quay shopping center, along with many diverse and delicious dining options just minutes from your doorstep, BLVD puts its residences in the midst of the Sarasota’s very best.  


Sarasota is loaded with the world’s top-rated beaches, opportunities for world-class fishing, and plenty of water for boating, paddle boarding and kayaking. Golf enthusiast from around the world continuously rank Sarasota as a top golfing destination and baseball fans flock to the ballpark for Orioles spring training. There is so much to see and do in Sarasota, it’s no wonder that the city is annually ranked as one of the Healthiest and Happiest Cities in America.  


Imagine waking up every day in one of only 49 expansive modern residences in Sarasota’s newest, most impressive building. Here, in your own private oasis, you’ll glance out the window at the shimmering light reflecting off of the Sarasota Bay. The city is already buzzing with its endless amounts of art & culture, trendy restaurants and boutiques, just waiting for you to join the party. Will it be dinner at that new gastro-pub? A concert at the Van Wezel? Or maybe a few friends are meeting you at your favorite gallery? Add to that picture BLVD’s on-site dining and The Quay in your backyard. There’s simply nowhere else like it.


With an incredible location among all the vibrancy of the Boulevard of the Arts, BLVD is surrounded by the best that Sarasota has to offer, including the world-class Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall, Art Center Sarasota, Asolo Repertory Theatre, Sarasota Ballet, Sarasota Film Festival, Players Theatre, Sarasota Orchestra, Ringling Museum of Art and many more diverse arts organizations. With all these sophisticated cultural venues, you’re living in a community of art lovers, just minutes from Sarasota’s famed white sand beaches and the gentle Bay waters.


Although most residential developments provide their residents with a few amenities, the city of Sarasota has never-before-seen an amenity program like ours! BLVD features two unprecedented amenity areas on the 5th floor and on the 18th story rooftop. On the 5th floor, the 11,250 sf area includes both indoor and outdoor common areas with a social room, featuring a pool table, game areas, bar, full service kitchen and an expansive, state-of-the-art fitness facility. Unique to BLVD, the area also includes a 1,400 sf pet lawn and full-service dog grooming facility, temperature controlled wine vault with private lockable showcases,and an indoor driving range to refine your game anytime you want. On the rooftop, a 1,200 sf zero horizon pool highlights the 10,000 sf amenity space fully equipped with a covered outdoor summer kitchen with a pair of gas cooktop stations, a gas fire pit, private cabanas and landscape for outdoor yoga and fitness. BLVD also offers an onsite, high end dining and entertainment venue encapsulating the sought after nightlife of Sarasota without ever having to leave the building.  




All dimensions are approximate. This floorplan is subject to change without notice. There are various methods of calculating the total square footage of a residence, and depending on the method of calculation, the quoted square footage of a residence may vary. The total square footages as shown in this brochure are based on the “Architectural Method” of measurement, which includes portions of the exterior walls, interior columns and 50 percent of demising walls.



All dimensions are approximate. This floorplan is subject to change without notice. There are various methods of calculating the total square footage of a residence, and depending on the method of calculation, the quoted square footage of a residence may vary. The total square footages as shown in this brochure are based on the “Architectural Method” of measurement, which includes portions of the exterior walls, interior columns and 50 percent of demising walls.



All dimensions are approximate. This floorplan is subject to change without notice. There are various methods of calculating the total square footage of a residence, and depending on the method of calculation, the quoted square footage of a residence may vary. The total square footages as shown in this brochure are based on the “Architectural Method” of measurement, which includes portions of the exterior walls, interior columns and 50 percent of demising walls.



All dimensions are approximate. This floorplan is subject to change without notice. There are various methods of calculating the total square footage of a residence, and depending on the method of calculation, the quoted square footage of a residence may vary. The total square footages as shown in this brochure are based on the “Architectural Method” of measurement, which includes portions of the exterior walls, interior columns and 50 percent of demising walls.

501 PLAN


All dimensions are approximate. This floorplan is subject to change without notice. There are various methods of calculating the total square footage of a residence, and depending on the method of calculation, the quoted square footage of a residence may vary. The total square footages as shown in this brochure are based on the “Architectural Method” of measurement, which includes portions of the exterior walls, interior columns and 50 percent of demising walls.

504 PLAN


All dimensions are approximate. This floorplan is subject to change without notice. There are various methods of calculating the total square footage of a residence, and depending on the method of calculation, the quoted square footage of a residence may vary. The total square footages as shown in this brochure are based on the “Architectural Method” of measurement, which includes portions of the exterior walls, interior columns and 50 percent of demising walls.

602 PLAN


All dimensions are approximate. This floorplan is subject to change without notice. There are various methods of calculating the total square footage of a residence, and depending on the method of calculation, the quoted square footage of a residence may vary. The total square footages as shown in this brochure are based on the “Architectural Method” of measurement, which includes portions of the exterior walls, interior columns and 50 percent of demising walls.



All dimensions are approximate. This floorplan is subject to change without notice. There are various methods of calculating the total square footage of a residence, and depending on the method of calculation, the quoted square footage of a residence may vary. The total square footages as shown in this brochure are based on the “Architectural Method” of measurement, which includes portions of the exterior walls, interior columns and 50 percent of demising walls.



All dimensions are approximate. This floorplan is subject to change without notice. There are various methods of calculating the total square footage of a residence, and depending on the method of calculation, the quoted square footage of a residence may vary. The total square footages as shown in this brochure are based on the “Architectural Method” of measurement, which includes portions of the exterior walls, interior columns and 50 percent of demising walls.



  • Within Sarasota’s Downtown Bayfront District with panoramic views of Sarasota Bay and the Sarasota downtown skyline
  • At the western entrance to the Rosemary District
  • Walkability score of 96 — within walking distance of the numerous dining, theatre, art, retail, cultural, recreational and entertainment areas of:
  • The Sarasota Downtown Core
  • The Sarasota Downtown Bayfront
  • The Sarasota Cultural District
  • The popular and energized Rosemary District
  • The future shops, dining and entertainment venues of the planned Sarasota Quay


  • The building’s architectural personality is expressed with vast glass walls, sumptuous interior appointments and advanced coastal construction and design
  • Only 49 expansive luxury units. Choose from seven unique floorplans, including:
  • 47 three-bedroom residences, ranging from 3,550 square feet to 3,900 square feet
  • Two spectacular two-story Penthouse units of 5,250 and 5,900 square feet with 2-story ceilings in the living room
  • Unprecedented resort-style amenities on the ground floor, 5th floor and rooftop


  • Secure Living: Fully-staffed reception lobby to welcome guests and provide service to residents and guests while controlling building access
  • 18th Floor Rooftop Amenities: The 10,000 square foot rooftop terrace includes a dramatic zero horizon pool surrounded by open-air conversation niches, shaded and un-shaded lounge seating, covered outdoor summer kitchen with two gas cooktop stations and gas fire pit
  • 5th Level Amenity Level: social room with a service bar for social opportunities, a fitness center, conference room, two temperature-controlled wine vaults with private lockable showcases, and indoor driving range. Outside, an expansive terrace with outdoor lounge seating and pet facilities
  • Parking Garage and Storage: Secure indoor parking with two dedicated spaces per residence, and temperature-controlled private storage areas
  • Pet Friendly: A pet-friendly community with a spacious 1,400-square-foot pet lawn and pet washing and grooming station, on the 5th floor amenity level


  • Flow-through floor plans showcasing breathtaking Bayfront and City views with large open-air terraces with tile flooring and glass railings
  • Private access-controlled elevators open directly into private residences foyers
  • Large, open-concept living areas with high ceilings
  • Expansive Great Rooms open to gourmet kitchens with open dining areas and large social islands
  • Lavish owners’ Master Suites with dual walk-in closets and luxurious Master Baths
  • Choice of elegant designer interior finish packages offered in multiple styles
  • Designer flooring options that coordinate with each material palette
  • Technology-ready infrastructure with high speed connectivity enables customized home automation and modern conveniences
  • High quality Kitchen appliances with choice of appliance packages
  • Multiple high-end quartz, granite and marble countertop options
  • Premium custom cabinetry featuring a variety of door profiles, finish selections and hardware, with soft-closing doors and drawers


CORE Development was created in 1995 with the goal of developing landmark real estate projects. Since that time, we have continued to fulfill this mission with projects such as the Ritz-Carlton, Sarasota and The Concession Golf Club and Residences. No matter what project we are working on, we are dedicated to providing our clients with uncompromising excellence, innovation and efficiency. Our diverse portfolio includes new construction, historic renovation and projects for the health care, hotel, single-family and luxury home markets.

Our Virtual Reality Sales Studio is now open at 500 Tamiami Trail.

941.316.1499 500 Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34236


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Water Club North Palm Beach presents the ultimate in luxury condominium living:

Three architecturally distinctive condominium towers and 20 luxurious villa residences all tucked along the scenic waterfront. At Water Club, each day dawns to breathtaking views to refresh the spirit and ignite the imagination. Innovative tower residences feature floor-to-ceiling windows and expansive terraces overlooking the Intracoastal Waterway, the adjacent Old Port Cove Marina, McArthur Beach State Park, the Palm Beaches and Atlantic Ocean. Expansive walls of glass, stunning architectural design and crisp modern interiors combine to create an unprecedented coastal lifestyle. Bold modern design evokes a refreshing sense of style paired with contemporary amenities and a host of private residential services.

You’ll be drawn to the water’s edge and thrive on the energy of Palm Beach Gardens. You’ll be spellbound by views of the Atlantic Ocean and Intracoastal Waterway. Relax with seemingly endless resort-style amenities and spacious residences. Some forces are too strong to resist. Welcome to Water Club North Palm Beach.


Just minutes away, a world of delightful diversions awaits discovery.

At Water Club North Palm Beach, the saying “where you live is how you live,” could never be more true. Residents of Water Club North Palm Beach will marvel at the myriad of activities, with upscale shopping and dining options in the area. Just around the corner, the PGA Boulevard Corridor acts as a gateway to the world’s top designers and a plethora of retail stores while a seemingly endless amount of classic bistros and steakhouses line the Boulevard for miles. Also just minutes from your doorstep, many world-renowned golf clubs and marinas are awaiting your arrival.  


World-class shopping and dining. World-famous beaches, boating and golf. Sizzling nightlife and culture. Water Club puts you in the center of it all.



Water Club North Palm Beach features a distinctive architectural design created by the renowned firm of Randall Stofft Architects.

Celebrated for their extraordinary residential resort design, the Stofft team has been widely recognized as industry leaders and have been featured in many prominent interior design and lifestyle publications throughout the world. Water Club’s unique architectural styled towers are even more dramatic from the inside looking out. Residents will relish private access-controlled elevators that rise from the parking garage to individual private elevator foyers within each expansive residence. The 22-story WC1 and WC2 towers feature coastal contemporary condominiums ranging from 1,728 sf to 2,638 sf, with Penthouse Residences ranging from 2,499 sf to 3,349 sf. Each floorplan features two or three bedrooms, a spacious Great Room, soaring ceilings and two oversized terraces with glass-railing balconies to take advantage of sweeping water vistas from sunrise to sunset. Filled with natural light from the full height windows and sliding glass doors, the generous Great Room designs with adjoining gourmet Kitchens and large social islands provide an open and interactive atmosphere for family and friends.


Water Club North Palm Beach’s innovative amenities fuels the spirit toward a healthier, happier life

The resort-style amenities extend a gracious home life onto the lushly landscaped grounds and surrounding waters of a nine-acre oasis. Water Club’s private clubhouse features a state-of-the-art fitness facility with a full circuit training center, and an expansive spin zone. Just outside the clubhouse awaits a spacious, resort-style pool, perfect for relaxation, and a 75’ lap pool. On the waterfront, residents will enjoy evenings of animated conversation around cozy gas-fed fire pits as well as access to the private day dock to launch kayaks and paddleboards. Taking furry family members into consideration, Water Club also features a dog park.


The WC1 and WC2 Tower residences feature four masterfully-designed floorplans.

These residential floorplans range from 1,728 to 3,349 square feet with expansive great rooms, gourmet kitchens with large social islands, spacious open living and dining areas and large owner’s suites. Two expansive terraces extend the living space to offer spectacular eastern sunrise and western sunset views.







3 Bedrooms / 4 Baths / Den / Great Room / Terraces


2 Bedrooms / 3.5 Baths / Den / Great Room / Terraces


3 Bedrooms / 4 Baths / Den / Great Room / Terraces



Levels 4-20

3 Bedrooms / 4 Baths / Den / Great Room / Terraces



Levels 4-20

2 Bedrooms / 3 Baths / Den / Great Room / Terraces


The exclusive Penthouse floorplans at Water Club are reserved for those who are truly ready to live life at the top.

The 2101 Penthouse, featuring 3 bedrooms plus den and 4 bath, is an excellent option for homebuyers giving up the hassle of a large estate home for the simplicity of carefree condominium. The spacious residence requires little compromise with this dramatic Great Room design that opens onto massive waterfront terrace. Living at the top has its advantages, and homeowners will marvel at the stunning easterly views of the Atlantic and Intracoastal Waterway. To the west, a second wrap around terrace overlooks the city scape below and the iconic PGA Boulevard. As you enter The Penthouse Residences, the private elevator opens directly into the private entry foyer. As you make your way into the designer kitchen adjoining the Great Room, your eyes are pulled directly to the breathtaking waterfront views.


2102/2202-NORTH & SOUTH

2103/2203-NORTH & SOUTH



2 Bedrooms / 3 Baths / Den / Great Room / Terraces



3 Bedrooms / 3 1/2 Baths / Den / Great Room / Terraces


2 Bedrooms / 3 Baths / Den / Great Room / Terraces



3 Bedrooms / 4 Baths / Den / Great Room / Terraces


2 Bedrooms / 3 Baths / Den / Great Room / Terraces


The final chapter of Water Club.

Water Club’s final tower residences feature spectacular waterfront views, contemporary, open living spaces and floor-to-ceiling glass.

  • Just minutes from PGA Boulevard’s world-class dining, shopping & entertainment
  • Palm Beach Gardens luxury waterfront living
  • Unmatched, resort-style amenities
  • Contemporary, open living spaces, floor-to-ceiling glass & spacious terraces
  • Gourmet kitchens with large islands





  • Situated on nine acres, one-half mile south of PGA Blvd
  • Maintenance-free living with gated entry
  • Dramatic porte-cochéres and graceful paver driveways combine to provide an impressive arrival experience for guests
  • Three architecturally distinctive luxury waterfront condominium towers and 20 luxurious villa residences
  • Stunning coastal contemporary architecture by Randal Stofft Architects
  • Secured residential garage parking (2 spaces per residence)
  • Gracious lobbies with 24/7 reception


  • Private Residents’ Club Room for entertaining or relaxation, meetings, club bar and catering kitchen for special events
  • State-of-the-art Fitness Center with yoga/Pilates studio  
  • 3 pools; 2 resort-style and 1 lap pool with waterview spa
  • Community day docks, fire pit lounges, dog park, pickleball court, movie theatre, guest suites, Occasions event room and plaza, couple’s massage room, men and women spas
  • Select concierge services
  • Service elevator to all floors provides convenient and safe secondary access in the event of move-ins, or service of private elevators
  • On-site property management and service


  • Designer-decorated interiors by renowned Palm Beach
  • Interior designer Bob Martin of The Decorator’s Unlimited
  • Luxurious two- and three-bedroom plus den (per plan) tower residences ranging from 1,728 to 3,349 sq. ft.
  • Twelve spectacular Penthouses encompassing up to 3,349 sq. ft.
  • Private access-controlled elevators open to individual private residence entry foyers
  • Spacious interiors with soaring ceilings and breathtaking views from full-height sliding glass doors and windows
  • Two expansive terrace balconies with glass-panel railings designed to provide unobstructed eastern sunrise and western sunset views
  • Premium European-style kitchen and bath cabinetry
  • Handsome granite or quartz countertops with dramatic waterfall edge on kitchen island
  • Attractive Jenn-Air® stainless Euro-style appliance collection including 42” built-in refrigerator with French door style, gourmet 36” electric cooktop with stainless steel canopy hood, built-in microwave and convection double oven, dishwasher with “Quiet System” and Whirlpool® Duet front-load washer and dryer
  • Luxurious spa-like master baths with coffered ceilings
  • Beautifully coordinated stone, quartz and porcelain surfaces throughout the residences
  • Lavish air-therapy tubs and frameless showers (per plan)
  • Elegant vanities featuring Grohe® or equivalent fixtures



Artist’s Rendering

Headquartered in Palm Beach County, Florida, Kolter has introduced a vision for luxury that is continually raising expectations for homebuyers and establishing new standards for the industry.

Committed to “Creating Better Communities,” the company brings over twenty years of innovative residential development to each new endeavor. Kolter recognizes that with each new home sale, there is an inherent commitment to deliver not just a quality residence, but also a unique, amenity-rich lifestyle. With that in mind, the company strives to deliver the most sought-after, energy-efficient designs, complete with the finest finishes and amenities. Kolter has developed over $10 billion of residential projects (both completed and in process) including a number of exceptional condominium residences in water-front, water-view and amenity-rich walkable urban locations.

To learn more, visit



PRICED FROM the $900s to over $2 MILLION

To learn more, visit  

2 Water Club Way #304 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 • (561) 799-2837

*Realtors warmly welcomed. Pricing, features and amenities are subject to change without notice.

*ORAL REPRESENTAIONS CANNOT BE RELIED UPON AS CORRECTLY STATTING REPRESENTATIONS OF THE SELLER. FOR CORRECT REPRESENTATIONS, MAKE REFERENCE TO THIS BROCHURE AND TO THE DOCUMENTS REQUIRED BY SECTION 718.503, FLORIDA STATUTES. TO BE FURNISHED BY A SELLER TO A BUYER OR LESSE. This project has been filed in the state of Florida and no other state. This is not an offer to sell or solicitation of offers to buy the condominium units in states where such offer or solicitation cannot be made. Prices and availability are subject to change at any time without notice. All dimensions are approximate. Floorplans are subject to change without notice. The seller reserves the absolute right, in its sole judgment and discretion, to substitute appliances, materials, fixtures and equipment of equal or greater quality or value for those specified. There are various methods of calculating the total square footage of a condominium unit, and depending on the method of calculation, the quoted square footage of a condominium unit may vary by more than a normal amount. The total condominium square footages as shown in this brochure are based on the “Architectural Method” of measurement and the exterior perimeter measurements of the condominium unit, which include exterior walls, interior columns, fifty percent of demising walls. The method for calculating residential square footage used in marketing materials is different than the method used for calculating residential square footage in the condominium documents. Please see the Declaration of Condominium for more information.



Water Club North Palm Beach presents the ultimate in luxury condominium living:

Three architecturally distinctive condominium towers and 20 luxurious villa residences all tucked along the scenic waterfront. At Water Club, each day dawns to breathtaking views to refresh the spirit and ignite the imagination. Innovative tower residences feature floor-to-ceiling windows and expansive terraces overlooking the Intracoastal Waterway, the adjacent Old Port Cove Marina, McArthur Beach State Park, the Palm Beaches and Atlantic Ocean. Expansive walls of glass, stunning architectural design and crisp modern interiors combine to create an unprecedented coastal lifestyle. Bold modern design evokes a refreshing sense of style paired with contemporary amenities and a host of private residential services.

You’ll be drawn to the water’s edge and thrive on the energy of Palm Beach Gardens. You’ll be spellbound by views of the Atlantic Ocean and Intracoastal Waterway. Relax with seemingly endless resort-style amenities and spacious residences. Some forces are too strong to resist. Welcome to Water Club North Palm Beach.


Just minutes away, a world of delightful diversions awaits discovery.

At Water Club North Palm Beach, the saying “where you live is how you live,” could never be more true. Residents of Water Club North Palm Beach will marvel at the myriad of activities, with upscale shopping and dining options in the area. Just around the corner, the PGA Boulevard Corridor acts as a gateway to the world’s top designers and a plethora of retail stores while a seemingly endless amount of classic bistros and steakhouses line the Boulevard for miles. Also just minutes from your doorstep, many world-renowned golf clubs and marinas are awaiting your arrival.  


World-class shopping and dining. World-famous beaches, boating and golf. Sizzling nightlife and culture. Water Club puts you in the center of it all.



Water Club North Palm Beach features a distinctive architectural design created by the renowned firm of Randall Stofft Architects.

Celebrated for their extraordinary residential resort design, the Stofft team has been widely recognized as industry leaders and have been featured in many prominent interior design and lifestyle publications throughout the world. Water Club’s unique architectural styled towers are even more dramatic from the inside looking out. Residents will relish private access-controlled elevators that rise from the parking garage to individual private elevator foyers within each expansive residence. The 22-story WC1 and WC2 towers feature coastal contemporary condominiums ranging from 1,728 sf to 2,638 sf, with Penthouse Residences ranging from 2,499 sf to 3,349 sf. Each floorplan features two or three bedrooms, a spacious Great Room, soaring ceilings and two oversized terraces with glass-railing balconies to take advantage of sweeping water vistas from sunrise to sunset. Filled with natural light from the full height windows and sliding glass doors, the generous Great Room designs with adjoining gourmet Kitchens and large social islands provide an open and interactive atmosphere for family and friends.


Water Club North Palm Beach’s innovative amenities fuels the spirit toward a healthier, happier life

The resort-style amenities extend a gracious home life onto the lushly landscaped grounds and surrounding waters of a nine-acre oasis. Water Club’s private clubhouse features a state-of-the-art fitness facility with a full circuit training center, and an expansive spin zone. Just outside the clubhouse awaits a spacious, resort-style pool, perfect for relaxation, and a 75’ lap pool. On the waterfront, residents will enjoy evenings of animated conversation around cozy gas-fed fire pits as well as access to the private day dock to launch kayaks and paddleboards. Taking furry family members into consideration, Water Club also features a dog park.


The WC1 and WC2 Tower residences feature four masterfully-designed floorplans.

These residential floorplans range from 1,728 to 3,349 square feet with expansive great rooms, gourmet kitchens with large social islands, spacious open living and dining areas and large owner’s suites. Two expansive terraces extend the living space to offer spectacular eastern sunrise and western sunset views.







3 Bedrooms / 4 Baths / Den / Great Room / Terraces


2 Bedrooms / 3.5 Baths / Den / Great Room / Terraces


3 Bedrooms / 4 Baths / Den / Great Room / Terraces



Levels 4-20

3 Bedrooms / 4 Baths / Den / Great Room / Terraces



Levels 4-20

2 Bedrooms / 3 Baths / Den / Great Room / Terraces


The exclusive Penthouse floorplans at Water Club are reserved for those who are truly ready to live life at the top.

The 2101 Penthouse, featuring 3 bedrooms plus den and 4 bath, is an excellent option for homebuyers giving up the hassle of a large estate home for the simplicity of carefree condominium. The spacious residence requires little compromise with this dramatic Great Room design that opens onto massive waterfront terrace. Living at the top has its advantages, and homeowners will marvel at the stunning easterly views of the Atlantic and Intracoastal Waterway. To the west, a second wrap around terrace overlooks the city scape below and the iconic PGA Boulevard. As you enter The Penthouse Residences, the private elevator opens directly into the private entry foyer. As you make your way into the designer kitchen adjoining the Great Room, your eyes are pulled directly to the breathtaking waterfront views.


2102/2202-NORTH & SOUTH

2103/2203-NORTH & SOUTH



2 Bedrooms / 3 Baths / Den / Great Room / Terraces



3 Bedrooms / 3 1/2 Baths / Den / Great Room / Terraces


2 Bedrooms / 3 Baths / Den / Great Room / Terraces



3 Bedrooms / 4 Baths / Den / Great Room / Terraces


2 Bedrooms / 3 Baths / Den / Great Room / Terraces


The final chapter of Water Club.

Water Club’s final tower residences feature spectacular waterfront views, contemporary, open living spaces and floor-to-ceiling glass.

  • Just minutes from PGA Boulevard’s world-class dining, shopping & entertainment
  • Palm Beach Gardens luxury waterfront living
  • Unmatched, resort-style amenities
  • Contemporary, open living spaces, floor-to-ceiling glass & spacious terraces
  • Gourmet kitchens with large islands





  • Situated on nine acres, one-half mile south of PGA Blvd
  • Maintenance-free living with gated entry
  • Dramatic porte-cochéres and graceful paver driveways combine to provide an impressive arrival experience for guests
  • Three architecturally distinctive luxury waterfront condominium towers and 20 luxurious villa residences
  • Stunning coastal contemporary architecture by Randal Stofft Architects
  • Secured residential garage parking (2 spaces per residence)
  • Gracious lobbies with 24/7 reception


  • Private Residents’ Club Room for entertaining or relaxation, meetings, club bar and catering kitchen for special events
  • State-of-the-art Fitness Center with yoga/Pilates studio  
  • 3 pools; 2 resort-style and 1 lap pool with waterview spa
  • Community day docks, fire pit lounges, dog park, pickleball court, movie theatre, guest suites, Occasions event room and plaza, couple’s massage room, men and women spas
  • Select concierge services
  • Service elevator to all floors provides convenient and safe secondary access in the event of move-ins, or service of private elevators
  • On-site property management and service


  • Designer-decorated interiors by renowned Palm Beach
  • Interior designer Bob Martin of The Decorator’s Unlimited
  • Luxurious two- and three-bedroom plus den (per plan) tower residences ranging from 1,728 to 3,349 sq. ft.
  • Twelve spectacular Penthouses encompassing up to 3,349 sq. ft.
  • Private access-controlled elevators open to individual private residence entry foyers
  • Spacious interiors with soaring ceilings and breathtaking views from full-height sliding glass doors and windows
  • Two expansive terrace balconies with glass-panel railings designed to provide unobstructed eastern sunrise and western sunset views
  • Premium European-style kitchen and bath cabinetry
  • Handsome granite or quartz countertops with dramatic waterfall edge on kitchen island
  • Attractive Jenn-Air® stainless Euro-style appliance collection including 42” built-in refrigerator with French door style, gourmet 36” electric cooktop with stainless steel canopy hood, built-in microwave and convection double oven, dishwasher with “Quiet System” and Whirlpool® Duet front-load washer and dryer
  • Luxurious spa-like master baths with coffered ceilings
  • Beautifully coordinated stone, quartz and porcelain surfaces throughout the residences
  • Lavish air-therapy tubs and frameless showers (per plan)
  • Elegant vanities featuring Grohe® or equivalent fixtures



Artist’s Rendering

Headquartered in Palm Beach County, Florida, Kolter has introduced a vision for luxury that is continually raising expectations for homebuyers and establishing new standards for the industry.

Committed to “Creating Better Communities,” the company brings over twenty years of innovative residential development to each new endeavor. Kolter recognizes that with each new home sale, there is an inherent commitment to deliver not just a quality residence, but also a unique, amenity-rich lifestyle. With that in mind, the company strives to deliver the most sought-after, energy-efficient designs, complete with the finest finishes and amenities. Kolter has developed over $10 billion of residential projects (both completed and in process) including a number of exceptional condominium residences in water-front, water-view and amenity-rich walkable urban locations.

To learn more, visit



PRICED FROM the $900s to over $2 MILLION

To learn more, visit  

2 Water Club Way #304 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 • (561) 799-2837

*Realtors warmly welcomed. Pricing, features and amenities are subject to change without notice.

*ORAL REPRESENTAIONS CANNOT BE RELIED UPON AS CORRECTLY STATTING REPRESENTATIONS OF THE SELLER. FOR CORRECT REPRESENTATIONS, MAKE REFERENCE TO THIS BROCHURE AND TO THE DOCUMENTS REQUIRED BY SECTION 718.503, FLORIDA STATUTES. TO BE FURNISHED BY A SELLER TO A BUYER OR LESSE. This project has been filed in the state of Florida and no other state. This is not an offer to sell or solicitation of offers to buy the condominium units in states where such offer or solicitation cannot be made. Prices and availability are subject to change at any time without notice. All dimensions are approximate. Floorplans are subject to change without notice. The seller reserves the absolute right, in its sole judgment and discretion, to substitute appliances, materials, fixtures and equipment of equal or greater quality or value for those specified. There are various methods of calculating the total square footage of a condominium unit, and depending on the method of calculation, the quoted square footage of a condominium unit may vary by more than a normal amount. The total condominium square footages as shown in this brochure are based on the “Architectural Method” of measurement and the exterior perimeter measurements of the condominium unit, which include exterior walls, interior columns, fifty percent of demising walls. The method for calculating residential square footage used in marketing materials is different than the method used for calculating residential square footage in the condominium documents. Please see the Declaration of Condominium for more information.


Dream Spaces

Dream Spaces

You’ve always dreamed of living on the water. And now, you can. But this is not where your dreams end. You’re a person who is committed to their passions. Living on the water shouldn’t mean you have to sacrifice the space needed to enjoy the things you love. You’ve worked hard. Now it’s your time to live the life of your dreams.

– Library


Get Smarter

– Wine Room

Wine Room

– Media Room

Media Room

– Pet Room

Pet Room

– Game Room

Game Room

– Art Room/Studio

Art Room/Studio

– Office


– Shoes/Extra Closet Space

Shoes/Extra Closet Space

– Sports Memorabilia

Sports Memorabilia

– Craft Room

Craft Room

– Pub Room

Pub Room

– Meditation Room

Meditation Room

– Music Studio

Music Studio

Contact Us

Contact Us

Come tour Water Club North Palm Beach’s designer decorated models. Contact a sales executive for more information or visit

1280 US Highway 1 • North Palm Beach, FL 33408

Sales Gallery Open Daily

Monday – Saturday 10am – 5pm

Sunday – 12pm – 5pm