Cotton Digital Services

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At Cotton & Company, we deliver an unprecedented level of industry expertise to your digital marketing program. We combine innovative digital channels with proven lead generation strategies – maximizing your budget and driving sales success.


As the core of any successful online program, your website must be developed to satisfy both the consumer and search engine algorithms. Here, the principles of real estate sales are applied throughout a complex honeycomb structure, yet at the same time creating an interactive and engaging experience for the consumer. Developing a well-planned and relevant website not only benefits organic SEO, but also results in greater cost efficiencies for PPC campaigns and a more compelling presentation of your unique selling propositions.


Organic traffic tends to be the most qualified source of traffic for our clients. We want your website to be found when prospects begin their research, therefore properly setting up this foundation creates a basis for the entire site. The structure of your site must include integrated strategy designed to work in concert with both your online and offline lead generation programs. Hand-picked keywords and phrases are integrated throughout the program, giving your website the highest opportunity for relevant visibility.

For the hive to operate efficiently honey bees have developed a complex form of communication.

Audience CaptureIdentity Matching

Audience Capture Identity Matching As Smart Phone technology evolves, new Ad Tech companies have been created to constantly acquire valuable market data. Cell phone device IDs are being tracked 24/7, allowing the capture of location based audiences. This data is identity matched with other records to tell marketers consumer demographics, geographic profiles and psychographic buying habits. Targeting audiences that are directly aligned with our buyer profiles have never been more accessible or accurate.

Programmatic Digital Marketing

Programmatic Digital Marketing

With the introduction of Artificial Intelligence into the digital marketing platforms, virtually all aspects of SEM placement have become programmatic in nature. Programmatic campaigns allow for multiple ads to be fed to multiple audiences, constantly learning which ads are more successful. Digital television, Social Media and Google SEM Marketing are now about knowing your customer intimately, and targeting closely matched databases.

Streaming Television and Media

Today, more than 50% of the television audience is watching programming on their own time schedule. That means streaming content to their television, mobile phone, iPads and computers. While this results in a smaller broadcast audience, it creates an opportunity for us to target specific television audiences based on the individual consumer profiles. No wasted overflow on unqualified demographics, and a 100% guarantee on full viewership of our ad placement.


Cotton & Company uses a variety of top industry resources and proprietary tools to identify keywords that will be most effective for your specific project. We evaluate the competitive landscape and consumer search patterns as well as assess the cost/benefit of each phrase as it relates to your market. Every company requires a unique approach and an in-depth review to determine the best possible channel to build a solid Internet foundation. Consistent and relevant keywords are the building blocks of success in a digital marketing program, creating visibility and driving targeted traffic to your website.

One bee hive consists of a single queen and hundreds of male drones and thousands of female worker bees.  Together they can produce more than 60 lbs of honey or more in a good season.


Data capture is a key objective in all of Cotton & Company’s digital initiatives. Developing landing pages structured to support specific campaigns can be the most effective tool for lead generation and capturing website visitor’s contact information. Creating fulfillment tools that inspire the prospective client to share their contact information is a critical component of the program’s success. By utilizing the landing page to showcase and offer your fulfillment piece to consumers, Cotton & Company successfully attracts more qualified leads.

A forging bee may visit more than two million flowers and travel up to 55,000 miles.

Digital Fulfillment


Digital fulfillment offers the ability to customize your sales presentation based on unique preferences. The quality of initial contact then determines whether an Internet lead converts to an eventual sale. Cotton & Company integrates video content, with consumer preferences and company details to create personalized digital sales tools. We eliminate printing and postage costs, providing more current information in a more creative and engaging manner.

Responsive Programming


In these digital days, your customers are literally moving targets. Always on the go, they’re searching for anything and everything on their smart phones and tablets. Integrating responsive programming into every aspect of a website is an absolute must. This eliminates the need for separate versions of a website and the change that outdated content was overlooked in the last update.

Link Building


Building strong inbound links from credible sources is important to powering a website. The more quality inbound links a website contains from credible sites, the higher value search engine algorithms place on them. Cotton & Company’s innovative content marketing strategy generates consistent backlinking to support our search engine optimization efforts. By keeping the information relevant and correlated, we are able to further enhance the website, strengthening it for both consumer use and search engine optimization.

Bees fly about 55,000 miles to make just one pound of honey, that’s 2.2 times around the world.


Cotton & Company focuses on the consumer’s thought process, and storytelling is often the most effective communication tool for today’s digital environment. In a competitive market environment, It’s also imperative to showcase every aspect of what makes your product unique. Our custom-published magazines deliver a cost-efficient marketing tool to engage the consumer, without limitations of a standard printed brochure.

Content Marketing

Content marketing connects your business to consumers in their day-to-day online activities. The art of storytelling is combined with the science of technology to serve engaging marketing content to potential customers. It’s a delicate balance that utilizes pull-marketing techniques to reach demographically targeted consumers with added filters for personal preferences and interests. Search engines are also seeking current and relevant information on your website, creating a win-win situation. By integrating storytelling into your newsfeeds, social posts and blogs, we not only provide information that influences the customer’s decision, we greatly enhance your organic search engine position.


Social Targeting

Social Targeting

There has never been a more power mechanism for targeting your customer. Today’s social networks have partnered with ad tech companies, the US Census and other identity-matching companies to create in-depth personal profiles for online consumers. Using our expertise, we utilize unprecedented targeting tools. The program moves well beyond geographic and demographic targeting to include education, spending habits, recreational and cultural interests, household composition, financial status and other personal preferences. These targeted campaigns are designed to meet your unique objectives, driving relevant consumer traffic to your website reinforcing a multi-faceted marketing campaign.

Social Interaction

social interaction

Whether on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest or any of the other social channels, Cotton & Company recognizes the importance of engaging potential customers in conversation. We are never overly salesy, but we’re always educating and intriguing our audience to invite interest. Presenting the information in a thought-provoking way invites conversation, which is driven to deliver action. Special promotion this weekend? We’ll get the word out.

Online Video Content

Online Video Content

We live in an age of visual stimulation and delivering thought-provoking video presentations is more important than ever. Through thoughtful messaging, engaging music, insightful art direction and creative visual editing, our real estate expertise brings it all together. Most importantly, search engines and social networks are driving the visual media trend by prioritizing video content in their search results. Lights, camera, action — Cotton & Company’s in-house team is ready to bring your project to life.

Pay Per Click


Paid search advertising is a competitive environment for keyword and phrase bidding that is used to direct pertinent traffic to your website. The price you pay for this engagement is directly related to the relevance of the content you’re delivering to the consumer. Cotton & Company’s experts are able to optimize your website and marketing campaigns to work in tandem, thereby lowering costs and raising the performance and effectiveness. Cotton & Company and its in-house digital experts are able to offer a complete understanding of these terms and tools to garner cost-effective paid placements, therefore generating relevant traffic and conversions.

Database Management


Your prospect database is the lifeblood of your sales program, and its importance cannot be overstated. Cotton & Company’s vast experience with discretion management gives us a deep appreciation for the buyer’s timeline for purchase. Proactively managing your lead database will ensure every dollar your invest in your marketing will create maximum sales results, providing continuity through staff changes and shifting market dynamics.


While Cotton & Company utilizes the latest industry tools to initially drive qualified traffic to your site, not everyone always registers. Retargeting is the ability to specifically target ads and campaigns towards consumers that have previously visited your website. When these prospects continue to browse the web it’s like they’re dropping breadcrumbs and we can follow that trail, tapping into their viewing patterns to reach back out, directing these consumers to return to your website for another chance at conversion. By keeping your project in the forefront, we are able to capture the attention and information of prospective buyers.

The honeybee waggle dance enables worker honeybees to inform her sister about great locations for food, water or a new home.



Turning an Internet lead into an actual customer requires a comprehensive lead nurturing program. While your staff is focusing on the daily walk-ins, team Cotton is focused on connecting with future customers. Through our database e-communication programs, we deliver relevant messages that engage prospects. We educate and excite your potential customers via email, e-newsletters, mobile texting and LinkedIn. Creative digital fulfillment pieces are incorporated to accelerate click through rates, engagement and appointments. Cotton & Company coordinates every aspect into a cohesive digital marketing campaign, driving sales absorption from top down.

Digital Creative


Cotton & Company’s vast real estate experience coupled with our powerhouse creative team and in-house digital strategists delivers exceptional fulfillment that generates results. Our creative team delivers top-of-the-line designs unique to your business, which are then programmed and implemented into the overall marketing strategy. Data is continually collected and analyzed and changes can be made, if necessary, quickly and efficiently to get the best results for your project. Digital creative can be personalized and targeted, based on relevant demographics and interests.


Cotton & Company constantly measures, evaluates and optimizes data using a variety of tools. We then determine next steps, identify new opportunities and set goals for future campaigns. These strategic evaluations help bring prospective buyers through the sales funnel while analyzing each step in the process to fine tune the program. Cotton & Company can track the initial inquiry through final sale. We do more than pull reports. We are here to translate the data and harness the information, turning it into tactical strategies and successful sales campaigns.

A typical beehive can make up to 400 pounds of honey per year.

Cotton & Company

Sweet Success

Over the past four decades, no other company has delivered a more focused perspective, a more insightful strategy, a more innovative methodology or a more integrated and efficient digital program all under one roof. Good news: you’ve found your digital marketing strategists at Cotton & Company.
